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Weekly Marketing Rundown - February 9th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - February 9th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about Meta ads updates, Pinterest's partnership with Google Ads, and more. Let's dive in.  Meta Ads Updates From the Week As usual, Meta made some updates to their ad platform this last week. Here are a few of the most notable: - 'Join group requests' and 'cost per join group request' are now available metrics for group membership ads - Events Manager may now show a notice about data restrictions in the settings of your data source. If you are seeing this, Meta may be restricting some of your custom parameters.  - Clarification on Engaged View attribution: "Engaged-view can be counted in ads measurement reporting when someone plays your video ads for a minimum of 10 seconds (or watches 97% of the video length if it’s less than 10 seconds) and converts within a 1-day window." For more on this, click the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-digitalmarketing-digitaladvertising-activity-7161256840989716480-cCWS/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Pinterest Announces Partnership with Google Ads Pinterest has announced a new partnership that will allow advertisers to place ads on Pinterest via the Google Ads platform. Early testing started just a few weeks ago, and Pinterest is reporting positive results so far. Pinterest has close to 500 million monthly active users on the platform, with 80% of those users coming from outside the United States. There hasn't been an exact date stated for when this will go live to all advertisers, but it is expected to be very soon.  For more on this, click the link below: https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/09/pinterest-announces-a-new-ad-deal-with-google-as-it-approaches-500m-maus/?guccounter=1 Instagram Adding Feature to Use Sections of Video as a Sticker Instagram has added another feature to stories, this time allowing users to cut out sections of video to use as a sticker. Use of this will be available to everyone in the regular stories creation section of the app. It's not a huge update, however, this could be a fun new creative tool to use in your organic strategy.  For more on this, click the link below: https://twitter.com/jonah_manzano/status/1755925466551357476?s=46 Meta is Changing the Name 'Meta Business Account' to 'Business Portfolio' Meta business accounts will soon be referred to as business portfolios across all accounts. This update changes nothing in terms of functionality, verification, etc, it is simply a change in terminology.  For more on this, click the link below: https://twitter.com/ahmedghanem/status/1755896158658891864 Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: February 9th, 2024  
Weekly Marketing Rundown - February 2nd, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - February 2nd, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about changes to Google responsive search ads, updates to conversion tracking for Reddit ads, and more. Let's dive in.  Google Announces Updates to Responsive Search Ads Google announced a few updates on Thursday to responsive search ads.  - After positive results in early testing, Google will roll out an update that allows Google Ads to move your second headline to the first description slot if it is predicted to improve performance. Pinning assets will prevent this from happening.  - You can now have 3 headlines and 2 descriptions set at the campaign level. These assets can be scheduled or pinned to specific positions.  - When opted into account-level automated assets, dynamic assets can be shown alongside or in place of manually created assets when it's predicted to improve performance.  For more on this, click the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ginnymarvin_drive-more-performance-from-ai-powered-search-activity-7158851996626681856-JQA_/ Reddit Announces Tealium as 1st Conversions API Partner With its IPO coming soon, Reddit has partnered with Tealium to improve its analytics capabilities. Reddit has been working hard to increase its ad offerings to advertisers over the past few years. This combination of Tealium's data management capabilities with the conversions API should improve advertisers' abilities to track effectively while remaining in compliance with data laws around the world.  For more on this, click the link below: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/reddit-announces-first-conversions-api-partner/706247/ Google is showing TikTok Videos in Featured Snippets TikTok videos have recently been spotted in two new high-profile areas - Google's search featured snippets and search generative engine (SGE) previews. If this becomes more common, it would mean an increased importance on TikTok videos in terms of an organic marketing strategy across other platforms. Though new platforms/sites like TikTok are becoming important SEO tools, the fundamentals of creating solid, SEO-optimized content are the same. Create high-quality content that answers your audience's questions.  For more on this, click on the link below: https://searchengineland.com/google-showing-tiktok-videos-in-sge-featured-snippets-437074 Study: American Social Media Use (Pew Research) Pew Research released a report this week detailing the social media use of the American population. The report includes great information on platform usage, demographics, and more. Some significant findings: - 83% of adults report using YouTube - 68% report using Facebook, 47% reported using Instagram - 78% of 18 to 29-year-olds say they use Instagram To access the full report, click the link below: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2024/01/31/americans-social-media-use/ Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: February 2nd, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 26th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 19th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about auto-applied recommendations with Meta ads accounts, Google Ads' new conversational AI experience, and more. Let's dive in.  Meta Now Allows Advertisers to View and Edit Auto-Applied Recommendation Settings Meta is now allowing advertisers to view and edit auto-applied recommendations on their ad accounts. Navigate to 'Account Overview' in Business Manager. From there, you can choose to enable or disable recommendations related to audience, creative format, and more.  For more on this, click to read the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7156179662790893568/ Google Ads Unveils New Conversational Ad Experience Google's AI model "Gemini" is being rolled into the Google Ads interface globally. This new update will allow advertisers to chat with an AI to create ad campaigns in conversational language. Gemini will help advertisers craft both text and images with excellent ad strength - advertisers will see and approve any assets before a campaign goes live. This is a massive update that will hopefully accomplish two things - increase the speed of campaign creation for advertisers without a drop in quality and lower the barrier of entry for those new to the platform.  For more on this, click to read the links below: https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/put-google-ai-to-work-with-search-ads/ Meta's Advantage Detailed Targeting is Now Available for All Campaign Objectives Meta has officially opened the option to use Advantage Detailed Targeting on all campaign types. Campaign types that can now use this feature are campaigns that are optimized for Impressions, Video views, Reach, Engagement, Ad Recall lift, Leads, Link clicks, or Landing page views. As always, it's important to note that using this feature will result in you giving up some control over who sees your ads. If you're targeting conversions more on the bottom end of the funnel, this probably doesn't matter. On ads designed for the top of the funnel, however, you may want to continue using tighter audience controls.  For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/meta-advantage-detailed-targeting-ai-436912 Fun: New Emojis Coming to iOS 17.4  Apple is testing a slew of new emojis, which are expected to be available to the public as soon as March. 118 additional emojis are expected. For a list of the coming emojis, including a few previews, click the link below: https://blog.emojipedia.org/first-look-new-emojis-in-ios-17-4/ Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: January 26th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 19th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 19th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about updates to Meta Ads, changes with Google Ads support, and more. Let's dive in.  New Meta Ads Updates Meta has released multiple ad updates over the last week. Below are some of the most notable: - 'Expand image', a new generative AI feature for Meta Ads is appearing in more ad accounts. You can find it as an Advantage+ creative enhancement. When turned on, Meta may automatically expand your image to fit more placements. - Meta is renaming 'Meta Business Accounts' into 'Business Portfolios'. The functionality is expected to remain the same for now.  - You can now connect multiple WhatsApp numbers to your Facebook Page. - Facebook profile feed is now a placement for ad targeting For more on this, click on the links below: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-ai-digitalmarketing-activity-7153010022459842562-0uXm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-digitalmarketing-digitaladvertising-activity-7152649825123991552-A30z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-digitalmarketing-digitaladvertising-activity-7153782306225229824-ZMqD/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Google is Firing Hundreds of Ad Sales Employees This week, Google announced plans to let hundreds of employees from their ad sales team go.  Reaching support to resolve issues with Google Ads has always been a struggle, but in the long term, this change might not make it worse. According to Google Ads Liaison Officer Ginny Marvin, “I do think Support is an area where LLMs/Google AI will be able to make big strides in improving experiences. That’s not happening yet, but work is underway.” It's not known at this moment exactly when the changes will be going into effect.  For more on this, click the link below: https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-lays-off-staff-support-crisis-436589 Google Releases New Information to Help Advertisers Prepare for Consent Mode Updates If you are an advertiser who currently advertises in Europe or one who plans to in the future, you need to ensure you have your consent mode settings up to date. If you're already using consent mode and a Google-certified CMP, you may be good to go already. If not, you'll need to act before March to stay in compliance with EU regulations and collect data from your ad campaigns.  For more on this, click the links below: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14505993 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ginnymarvin_today-weve-shared-an-important-update-on-activity-7153797062625521664-rswN/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Chat GPT Working Towards A Video Feature OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently stated on a podcast with Bill Gates that ChatGPT will soon have video capabilities. He didn't give a timeline on when the video feature would roll out to the public but did say GPT-5 should be released within the year.  For more on this, click the link below: https://mashable.com/article/chatgpt-video-features-plus-gpt-5-this-year Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: January 19th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 12th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 12th, 2024 Hi everyone, In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about changes to Meta's detailed targeting options, OpenAI's new GPT store, and more. Let's dive in.  Meta is Making Changes to Detailed Targeting Earlier this week, Meta announced that they are removing some detailed targeting options "because they are either not widely used, redundant with others, too granular, they relate to topics people may perceive as sensitive (e.g., targeting options referencing causes related to health, race or ethnicity), or because of legal or regulatory requirements."   If you've been following along here in the weekly marketing rundown, or monitoring things on your own, this shouldn't come as a shock. All signs are pointing to Meta eventually making Advantage+ audiences not just an option, but a requirement for advertisers. More and more automation is going to require advertisers to stay on top of their data, ensuring they are within best practices whether that be performance or legal-related.  For more on this, click to read the articles below: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/458835214668072 https://www.jonloomer.com/meta-removal-of-detailed-targeting/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-digitalmarketing-digitaladvertising-activity-7150493599103647744-OorQ/ Research Study - The Impact of Google's Search-Generative Experience on Organic Rankings (Authoritas) Google is expected to roll out its search-generative experience (SGE) to the public within the next few months. SEO Agency Authoritas conducted a study on ~1000 different terms through SGE-enabled accounts. The conclusion? SGE will likely be the biggest SEO update in the last decade.  To read the full study, click the link below: https://www.authoritas.com/blog/research-study-the-impact-of-googles-search-generative-experience-on-rankings Meta Imposes New Instagram and Facebook Restrictions to Protect Teens Earlier this week, Meta announced that they will be introducing new restrictions on their platform. According to Matt Navarra, here are the key points from their announcement.  - Meta will hide suicide and eating disorder content from teens as government pressure mounts - Teens on Facebook and Instagram will no longer be able to see content about self-harm, suicide, and eating disorders, even if their friends share it. - Meta will now automatically place all teens into the most restrictive content control settings on Instagram and Facebook and restrict additional terms in Search on Instagram. - Meta will also prompt teens to update their privacy settings on Instagram in a single tap with new notifications. For more on this, click the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mattnavarra_metas-new-fb-ig-restrictions-to-protect-activity-7150514109468327936-W0LM/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop OpenAI debuts GPT Store OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, have released their GPT store to the public. The store displays what they believe to be some of the best chatbots that creators have developed - OpenAI said its customers have already developed 3 million custom chatbots.  For more on this, click the links below: https://chat.openai.com/gpts https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/openai-gpt-store-debut Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: January 12th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 5th, 2024
Weekly Marketing Rundown - January 5th, 2024 Hi everyone, We hope you had a happy new year! In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about Google Consent Mode v2, TikTok's new AI text-to-image feature, and more. Let's dive in.  Google's Consent Mode v2 is Coming. How Do You Need to Prepare? The new Digital Markets Act (DMA) goes into effect in March. This new European regulation puts the burden of collecting consent for analytics purposes on large digital firms such as Google. In response to this, Google is making some updates to consent mode.  For those of you who don't know, consent mode lets you communicate a user's cookie consent status to Google. This way, tracking tags adjust their behavior in line with user cookie preferences. Consent mode has been around since 2020.  Third-party cookies are going away this year and without the proper consent settings enabled, measuring user behavior and website performance through Google advertisement products will not work. If you already have consent mode v1 enabled, the only significant change you'll likely need to make is the addition of two consent states: ad_user_data and ad_personalization.  For more on this, click the read the articles below: https://cookie-script.com/blog/google-consent-mode-v2 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/schreibererwin_consentmode-googleads-gdpr-activity-7148631693854179328-AYqb/ https://searchengineland.com/google-chrome-started-phasing-out-third-party-cookies-436244?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=hootsuite&utm_content=editorial TikTok Adds New AI Text-to-Image Feature TikTok is rolling out a new AI image generator. The new feature can be found in the video creation section of the app on the right-side settings dropdown. Creators can input words or topics that will then be turned into a portrait-sized AI-generated picture.  For more on this, click the link below: https://twitter.com/jonah_manzano/status/1742493038117843155?s=46 Advantage+ Audience Tips Meta launched Advantage+ audiences to their ads platform this last fall. In many cases since, testing has looked good and in some cases has performed better than previous audiences. But while there have been positives, there are some things you need to watch out for.  Under audience suggestions, you can set hard controls on location, minimum age, language, etc. This is essentially the same as it was before. Under audience suggestions, however, the inputs you select (detailed targeting, custom audiences, etc.) are simply suggestions that Meta can and most likely will go beyond. For some, this doesn't matter. But for others, this lack of control is a big deal.  There are a few ways you can approach this. One way is to return to the original targeting options. This would take things back to "normal" but in some cases may limit your performance (you should test it). Another is, when possible, to optimize towards custom events. Meta's algorithm will serve the ad to placements and people most likely to accomplish that custom event which, with enough data, can be extremely accurate over time.  For more on this, click the link below https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bramvanderhallen_facebookads-digitalmarketing-digitaladvertising-activity-7148681595074330625-u3-6/ SEO Ranking Factors for 2024 (Semrush) Semrush has released new SEO research detailing what ranking factors matter most heading into 2024. Their study was based on analyzing the top 20 organic results for 16,000+ keywords and includes a lot of helpful, easy-to-digest findings. Some of the most notable findings are: - Content relevance was found to be the most important ranking factor in their study - There was a strong correlation between the number of star ratings in a domain’s pages’ organic listings and rankings. - There was a correlation between domain & page authority scores with better SERP rankings For more on this, click the links below: Full report: https://go.semrush.com/Ranking-Factors/ https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7148681694416367616/ Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights in digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the link below.  https://linktr.ee/kavanahmedia Author: Sean Ralls Article Published: January 5th, 2024