Weekly Marketing Rundown - August 18th, 2023

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Weekly Marketing Rundown - August 18th, 2023

Hi everyone,

In this week's edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown, we'll talk about a new Google Ads Performance Max update, updates to Reels Ads, and more. Let's dive in. 

Google Can Now Take Images From Your Product Feed to Generate Video Ads

Google Ads recently released an update for performance max campaigns that now allows them to turn images from your product feed into video ads for YouTube and YouTube shorts.

Google (and other platforms) have been making a push towards Ai generated content for ads over the last few months. With this being a new update, it's unclear how it will positively or negatively impact the performance of your Pmax campaigns.

If you're against the concept of Google auto-generating PMax ads for you, it's important that you add your own assets for all of the available placements to ensure Google is running ads you created.

For more on this, click to read the article below:


Instagram is Testing a New Format for Multi-Advertiser Reels Ads.

Similar to regular multi-advertiser ads, multiple ads are appearing on the screen at one time. However, in the new format, the ads are showing on their own dedicated screen, rather than in gallery form underneath an in-feed ad. It’s unclear at this time when this update will be rolled out to everyone. Advertisers do have the option to opt out if they choose.

To read more about this, click the link below:


Telegram Adds a Stories Feature

In a much-anticipated move, Telegram has added a stories feature for its 700 million monthly active users around the world. This feature is expected to work very similarly to the stories feature found on Meta apps and Snapchat, with a few additional features. On Telegram, you can edit your stories even after they have gone live, and more granular settings on who in your contacts can see them.

For more on this, read the article below:


X, Formerly Twitter, Now Sorts Posts by Like Count on Profiles When Signed Out

X (previously known as Twitter) has implemented several recent changes, including altering the sorting algorithm for logged-out users. This new system prioritizes posts based on the number of likes, which has the unintended consequence of burying recent posts and reducing the effectiveness of pinned posts. Additionally, X Pro is now exclusively available to verified subscribers, marking another significant shift under Musk's tenure.

To read more about this, click below:


Thanks for reading this edition of Kavanah Media's Weekly Marketing Rundown! For more up-to-date insights into digital marketing, make sure to follow us on our social media channels using the links below. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kavanahmedia 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/78328025/

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Authors: Sean Ralls and Joel Overstreet

Article Published: August 18th, 2023


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